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Submitting a life certificate

If you live outside Sweden and receive a pension from the Swedish Pensions Agency or compensation from the Swedish Social Insurance Agency, you need to provide a life certificate every year. The easiest way to do this is on the web.

The information provided by you in the life certificate will ensure that you are receiving the compensation you are entitled to.

Every year we therefore send out a letter with a life certificate to anyone who cannot be identified by the electronic exchange that takes place with certain countries. Starting in 2022, we will send out the letter during the summer.

Submit your life certificate

You can use your electronic ID to log into My pages and digitally approve your life certificate (information in Swedish).

If you do not have an electronic ID, please submit your life certificate, signed and stamped by an authorised agency, using the e-service below.

Useful information

  • If you do not hear anything from us, it means that we have received your life certificate and have approved it. We will contact you if we need more information.
  • If you do not submit your life certificate, your payments will be stopped until we have received your certificate. 
  • If you leave the life certificate digitally, you do not need to send us the signed and stamped life certificate in paper form.

Have you not received a letter from us?

If you have not received a life certificate, it may be because we have not sent out the life certificate yet. Check when we send it to the country you live in.When do we send letters with a life certificate

It may also be due to the fact that we collect the data digitally from the country you live in, or that you have changed your address and forgotten to notify the Swedish Pensions Agency.

If you have not received a life certificate, you can download the form here. It is important that you read the information on how to fill out the life certificate. 

Submit your life certificate 

If you have an e-ID (electronic legitimation), for example a BankID, the easiest way to approve your life certificate is by logging on to My Pages.

Otherwise, you will need to submit your life certificate to the Swedish Pensions Agency. You can either attach a stamped and signed life certificate digitally here on the web or send it by post.   

FE 7001
839 77 Östersund

An approved authority or institution must certify that you are alive by stamping and signing the life certificate. You need to show a valid passport or another identity document.

Your name and Swedish personal number should be entered by you if this information is not already filled in.

We will send you a life certificate once a year. From the year 2022, we will send the certificate during the summer starting in May, instead om during the autumn.
Life certificate schedule for pensioners living abroad 2025
Letter sent Decision on discounted payments Payments discounted Countries

26 May

24 September


Brazil, Chile, Canada

26 June

28 October


Australia, Croatia, Italy, Portugal, Switzerland, Slovenia, Thailand and other countries.

17 July

18 November


Belgium, Greece, USA

14 August

11 December

January 2026

France, Israel, Netherlands, 
Austria, UK

The following authorities and institutions can sign and stamp the life certificate.

Outside of Sweden

  • the Swedish Embassy
  • the Swedish Consulate
  • the Church of Sweden
  • a social insurance institution
  • a notary public
  • a police authority
  • a population registration authority

If you cannot get to one of the authorised agencies or institutions listed above, for example, due to a hospital visit or similar, the Swedish Pensions Agency may, in exceptional circumstances, agree to your life certificate being certified by a doctor or someone else of a similar professional credibility. There are no other exceptions to this rule. 

In Sweden

If you are in Sweden, you can visit our service offices. Visit a service office (in Swedish)

Sweden exchanges life certificates electronically with countries where there is a sizeable population of Swedish pensioners. This means that your life certificate is automatically submitted without you having to do anything.

Countries that Sweden has an exchange with

  • Denmark
  • Finland
  • Iceland
  • Norway
  • Germany
  • Poland
  • Spain

Even if you live in a country with which the Swedish Pensions Agency exchanges certificates electronically, you may still receive a life certificate by post. This is because an automated identification of personal information is not always possible. If you receive your life certificate by post, please fill in the details required, get it stamped and submit it to us.

We collaborate with a number of insurance companies linked to the e-services of the Swedish Pensions Agency. As a result, if getting paid occupational or private pension, you do not have to send your life certificate to all your insurance companies. 

The Swedish Pensions Agency may provide information on the life certificate at the request of the following insurance companies:

  • AFA Sjukförsäkringsaktiebolag 
  • Alecta 
  • AMF Pensionsförsäkring 
  • Bliwa Livförsäkring ömsesidigt 
  • Collectum AB 
  • Folksam 
  • Folksam Service AB
  • Gamla Livförsäkringsaktiebolaget SEB Trygg Liv (publ)
  • Handelsbanken Liv Försäkringsaktiebolag
  • Livförsäkrings - aktiebolaget Skandia ömsesidig
  • Länsförsäkringar AB 
  • Länsförsäkringar Liv AB 
  • PP Pension Försäkringsförening
  • PRI Pensionstjänst AB 
  • PRI Pensions. Och stiftelsetjänst AB
  • SEB Pension & försäkring AB 
  • Skandikon Administration AB 
  • SPP Pension & Försäkring AB
  • Statens tjänstepensionsverk (SPV).

If you live outside Sweden and receive a Swedish pension, you need to notify us of any changes that may affect your pension. For example, you must notify us of any change of address, if you receive a new pension or a pension changes or if your marital status changes. Report changes – those living abroad

Life certification is regulated by the provisions of the Social Insurance Code, SFS 2010:110. Chapter 110, Article 15 of the Social Insurance Code states; ‘As to the payment of a benefit to a recipient residing abroad, proof may be required that such recipient is indeed entitled to the benefit in question’.

The authorisation of an agency or institution for the purpose of certifying the existence of an individual abroad is subject to the regulations of the Swedish Pensions Agency (PFS 2017:2).

Contact us

If you have any questions about your life certificate, please feel free to contact us at Customer Services. Contact customer service