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Income pension complement

You may receive an income pension complement as an addition to your national public pension. An application is not required for the income pension complement, as it is included in the application for national public pension. 

If you have had a long working life in Sweden, but a low wage you may be entitled to an income pension complement.

The following affects your right to and the size of your income pension complement:

  • The size of your income-based national public pension.
  • The number of years you have had a pensionable income in Sweden. 

The income pension complement is included in the national public pension

When you submit your application for your national public pension, it covers the income pension complement as well, depending on how old you are when submitting your application.

The earliest point at which you can receive the income pension complement is age 66, and it is automatically added to your national public pension application or upon you turning 66 if you have received your income-based pension earlier. From 2026, the age limit will be gradually increased in line with increasing life expectancy.

Receiving the income pension complement is unaffected by you working simultaneously while receiving your pension, or you choosing to stop working. However, the size of the income pension complement is affected by how much you earn during the additional years with pensionable income and thus get a higher pension.

How much can you get?

The income pension complement is a maximum of SEK 600 per month before tax but it can be as low as SEK 0.

The size of your income-based pension determines which amount you are entitled to. Any income-based old age pension you receive from another EU/EEA country and Switzerland will affect the amount of income pension complement you receive.

The size of the income pension complement is also affected by how many years you have been earning a pensionable income in Sweden. The full income pension complement requires between 35 and 40 years with pensionable income in Sweden. 

If you are receiving pension from another country

The income pension complement is affected by whether you are receiving pension from another EU country, EEA country, or Switzerland. This applies to income-based old-age pensions from these countries, just like income-based pension from Sweden affects the size of the income pension complement that you are entitled to.

If you have other types of pension, such as survivor's pension, these do not affect the income pension complement.

If you live in or move to another country

You can receive income pension complement if you live in or move to another EU/EEA country or Switzerland, or a country that Sweden has an agreement with regarding social security. However, if you live in or move to any other country, you are not entitled to an income pension complement.

The following countries have an agreement with Sweden regarding social security: Bosnia and Herzegovina, Canada, Cape Verde, Chile, India, Israel, Japan, Morocco, Philippines, Québec (Canada Convention), Serbia, South Korea, the UK, Turkey and USA.

Report a change in your circumstances

If you receive a new pension, your pension from another country changes, if you emigrate from Sweden, or switch country of residence outside of Sweden you must report this to the Swedish Pensions Agency.

If you possess a Swedish bank-ID you will be able to report your pension from another country on this website. Register pension from abroad

If you do not have a Swedish bank-ID or wish to report other changes please contact our customer service.